
Part 3- The “see it”, “say it”, “suss it” and “sort it” system

Hi, this third of my short articles on the, “see it”, “say it”, “suss it” & “sort it” system and how it’s used in a client centred fashion.
Ok, the “say it” part of the system depends on a number of factors. These are as follows:
1/ What you see ahead of the vehicle in either the short, middle and far distance.
2/ If you pupil can see a developing hazard and what they are going to do about it.
3/ What you pupil is communicating to you via their choice of words or body language.
Ok, let’s start with number 1/ & 2/. The role of a driving instructor is to keep the vehicle safe and to manage the risk. What we “ say ” to our pupils depends on the situation around us. This depends on the ability of the pupil in this instance, but we should never assume a pupil as seen the potential hazard and is going to react accordingly. It also helps if we can predict what is going to happen (hazard prediction) or to spot what is actually happening early (hazard perception). We can then “say” the correct thing at the correct time.
Let’s take an example. You pupil is at the trained level. The next and only predictable hazard is a set of traffic lights that have been on green for a considerable amount of time. The best thing to “say” would be “what is the next hazard”? What your pupil now says, will determine what you, “say”. If you pupil doesn’t answer, then you can “say”- “The traffic lights can change red”. On the other hand, if you pupil says” The traffic lights could change” and you have sufficient time, you would, “Say” – “want are you going to do”. Hopefully the answer would be,” Slow down”, if not you can, “Say” – “Gently ease off the accelerator or Gently brake to slow down” if the traffic lights are in the process of changing. You should be getting your pupils to do what you would do. This is why the driving instructors driving needs to be at a high standard before teaching (ADI Part 2).
Pupils at a lower level of ability and experience, would require you to, “Say” things that are more directive or guided instruction as the pupil may not know what the hazard is or what to do about it.
Ok, let’s talk about number 3/. This is the client centred bit of the “Say It” component.
The “Say it” component covers a number of different functions.
These are to ask questions (open or closed), give or elicit feedback, give directions or instructions and give more information that is comprehensive, appropriate and accurate? I wonder on what test the last one is assessed. All the things I have listed above on based on your pupils needs.
For example, you pupil as just tried to emerge in front of a vehicle at a T-Junction. Your pupil’s need is to emerge safety. Your feedback and questions should know be based on this situation and what has caused it (Suss it, covered on later article) and how to sort it (also covered on later article).