The 17 Sub Competences of the Standards Check or ADI Part 3

The things that ADI examiners need to see to pass the ADI Part 3 Instructional Ability Exam

Hi this is my fifteenth instalment on the 17 sub competences of the standards check or ADI part 3. Today I going to give you my interpretation of “Were the pupil’s queries followed up and answered?”

Ok, this sub competence means answering your pupil’s questions with the correct level of information at the correct time. For example, whilst parked most questions can be answered quite easily with no risk of distracting your pupil during a challenging situation. Pupil’s questions can be answered on the move but should be very brief with a yes or a no, where more detailed answers require you to park up or possibility ask your pupil to research the answer before the next lesson to encourage them to find out the answer for themselves. You should acknowledge a pupil’s question and say to them it can be answered later. By encouraging your pupil to find out their own answers also means they will more probably take ownership of them and not just rely on you all the time. Remember we are trying to create drivers can think and make decisions for themselves.

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