Posts by David Allen
Frequency of your training
Continous professional development (CPD) is important for everybody. This was a very intensive two-day online course with an assessment at the end of the final day. This course gives you so much in-depth knowledge of subjects which relate to road safety. I found it hard going but informative.
Learning Barriers
Pupils can stop learning for a number of reasons. The top common reasons are mental state (which I would include any mental state that is detrimental to learning) and previous experience. When a pupil gets into a car at the beginning of lesson, always try to ascertain their mental state by asking them how they…
Read MoreSimple way method of verbal intervention
My weekly tip for the week. My variation of the three ‘W’s for self-reflection
Instructor tip of the week, being a good communicator
Brief outline of Lesson Planning on a driving lesson
Hi, this a brief and to the point description of lesson planning. OK, let’s start with the most important bit, finding out your pupil’s needs and prioritising them. To explain this let’s show you a few examples of identifying your pupils needs. In the first example, you are dealing with new pupil. The best ways…
Read MoreInstructor tip- Use of open questions
Interesting video on the use of hands free phones
Using Questions on the move in driving lessons.
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